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Język angielski, matura 2017 - poziom dwujęzyczny - pytania i odpowiedzi

DATA: 8 maja 2017 r.
CZAS PRACY: 180 minut
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Odpowiedzi do tej matury możesz sprawdzić również rozwiązując test w dostępnej już aplikacji Matura - testy i zadania, w której jest także, np. odmierzanie czasu, dodawanie do powtórek, zapamiętywanie postępu i wyników czy notatnik :)

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Zadanie 1. (0–4)
You are going to hear three people talking about starting a fire while preparing food. For questions below, choose the right speaker (A–C). One speaker must be chosen twice. You will hear the recording twice.
Which speaker
Zadanie 1.1.
tried to prepare a meal despite his/her poor record as a cook?
Zadanie 1.2.
deliberately damaged a piece of equipment to handle an emergency situation?
Zadanie 1.3.
aggravated the situation by acting too hastily?
Zadanie 1.4.
missed the moment when the fire started?
Zadanie 2. (0–6)
You are going to hear two texts. For questions below, choose the answer which best matches what you have heard. You will hear the recording twice.
Text 1
Zadanie 2.1.
The phrase “the magic number of greatness” refers to
Zadanie 2.2.
Which is TRUE about Dan’s challenge?
Zadanie 2.3.
Which of the following is stated in the text as a fact, and not an opinion?
Text 2
Zadanie 2.4.
Markus got involved in water-drop photography because
Zadanie 2.5.
When taking pictures using the “drop on drop” technique, Markus
Zadanie 2.6.
In his final response, Markus
Zadanie 3. (0–5)
You are going to hear an interview about cryptozoology. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase, according to what you have heard. You will hear the recording twice.
Zadanie 3.1.
When Loren Coleman was a teenager, his teachers __________________ his interest in the Yeti.
Zadanie 3.2.
Cryptozoologists’ work involves collecting __________________ .
Zadanie 3.3.
The public at large is most interested in mysterious creatures which __________________ .
Zadanie 3.4.
Loren criticizes mass media for __________________.
Zadanie 3.5.
Loren points out that many scientists do not recognize cryptozoology as science because __________________ .

1. Wymagane są odpowiedzi na pytania zgodne z treścią wysłuchanego tekstu.
2. Akceptowane są również inne odpowiedzi, jeżeli są merytorycznie poprawne i spełniają wszystkie warunki zadania.
3. Błędy ortograficzne i gramatyczne niezakłócające komunikacji nie wpływają na ocenę odpowiedzi zdającego.

Zadanie 4. (0–7)
Read two texts about work. For questions below, choose the answer that best matches the text.
Text 1

Recently I flew to London to cover Wimbledon, the world’s premier tennis competition and one of the few events I go to where the crowd never boos. Each morning I walked the tree-lined streets near the tennis courts, passing boisterous teenagers queued up for leftover passes. Outside the gate was a news-stand that sold British tabloids, featuring paparazzi photos of supermodels, celebrities and the royal family, horoscopes and a wee bit of actual news. Their top headline of the day was written on a chalkboard, and usually read something like ROYAL COUPLE IN TROUBLE! or GAZZA TO TEAM: GIVE ME MILLIONS!

People scooped up these tabloids, devoured their gossip, and on previous trips to England, I had always done the same. But now, with Morrie’s illness at the back of my mind, whenever I confronted anything silly or mindless, I kept picturing my friend in his tiny house with his loved ones, while I spent so many hours on things that meant absolutely nothing to me personally: movie stars, football players or the latest noise out of Prince Charles or Madonna. Back home, the O.J. Simpson trial was in full swing, and there were people who surrendered their entire lunch hour to follow it. I started to wonder why we bothered so much with the lives of strangers.

One particularly crazy day in Wimbledon, a crush of reporters had tried to chase down Andre Agassi and his famous girlfriend, Brooke Shields, and I had gotten knocked over by a British reporter who barely muttered “Sorry” before sweeping past. I thought of something Morrie had told me: “So many people walk around with meaningless lives. They seem half-asleep, even when they are busy doing things they think are important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things.”

When I returned to Detroit, I arrived late in the afternoon, dragged myself home and went to sleep. I awoke to a jolting piece of news: the unions at my newspaper had gone on strike. There were picketers at the front entrance and marchers chanting up and down the street. As a member of the union, I had no choice. I was suddenly out of a job, out of a paycheck, and pitted against my employers. Union leaders called my home and warned me against any contact with my former editors, many of whom were my friends. I was also told to hang up if they rang me up and tried to plead their case. I felt confused and depressed. Although the TV and radio work were nice supplements, the newspaper had been my lifeline, my oxygen. When I saw my stories in print each morning, I knew that I was alive. Now it was gone. And as the strike continued, there were phone calls and rumors that this could drag on. There were sporting events each night that I would have gone to cover. Instead, I stayed home and watched them on TV. I had grown used to thinking readers somehow needed my column, so I was stunned at how easily things went on without me. Suddenly, I thought of Morrie again and decided to call him.

adapted from Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Zadanie 4.1.
When the narrator was heading towards the Wimbledon courts on his last visit to London, he
Zadanie 4.2.
While carrying out his Wimbledon assignment, the narrator
Zadanie 4.3.
During the strike,
Zadanie 4.4.
Based on the text, we can conclude that

Text 2

The life expectancy of the average UK male is 74. Hearing about government plans to hike state pensionable age, I realized that not much time might be left to enjoy the life of a pensioner. That’s why, last August, I decided to retire at the age of 33. I gave up my job as a journalist, rented out my London flat and moved to the south-west of France with my girlfriend, who heartily agreed with my plan. It was fear and a tinge of weariness that gave me the impulse to do it. (mark1) I worried that I was wasting the best years of my life blinking at a computer screen and that when I did eventually pack up work, I would have hours to kill but no energy or strength to make use of them. The solution seemed obvious, if a little risky: retire now and work later.

Many will think me foolhardy, as did some of my friends, not to mention bosses. But I want to enjoy life in my prime. I have worked hard. I started as a journalist at 17. Early shifts, night shifts, weekends, bank holidays and Christmases: check. And what was it all for? (mark2) I got halfway up the ladder and realized I was afraid of heights – or to be precise, of professional responsibility and the attendant drudgery.

Some doubts I had obviously harboured were allayed when it transpired that with the income from my London flat, a modest, stress-free life in France was a realistic possibility. Modest being the operative word. (mark3) In return, here we are in France, having spent the winter reading books by the wood burner. A hectic life and economic blues have been swapped for country walks and fireside chats. Stress has been reduced to wondering which route to take or whether the fire will crackle into life.

There are risks, of course. I’m not as fortunate as some of my colleagues who can take on a contract whenever they fancy, so work is not guaranteed when I decide to return to London. And another question mark is about successful repatriation. (mark4) If a job is found, how to overcome the daily grind of self-doubt, to tolerate the early-morning starts and office politics once more? Still, it’ll surely be worth it for the sweltering Monday afternoons when I can sit by the pool with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in hand, listening to the birds singing and the rustle of leaves. Normally, I would be slumped at a desk most of the day, filling in papers, listening to the hack and whirl of the coffee machine. Now honestly, which would you prefer?

adapted from www.independent.co.uk
Zadanie 4.5.
Look at the marks in the text and decide where the following sentence fits best in the passage.
The customary trappings of city life such as delights of cuisine or the enchantment of clubs and theatres would have to be skipped.
Zadanie 4.6.
The author’s decision to retire and move to France
Zadanie 4.7.
Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as a potential problem facing him on returning to London?
Zadanie 5. (0–4)
Read the article. Four fragments have been removed from the text. Complete each gap with the fragment which fits best and put the appropriate letter (A–E) in each gap. There is one fragment which you do not need to use.
Zadanie 5.1.
Compared with face-to-face communication, nonverbal cues in email are lacking. But humans are fabulous at generating meaning even when cues are sparse. A group of psychologists from Stanford University have put forward a theory that our motivation for generating meaning is to reduce levels of uncertainty and help predict other people’s behavioural patterns. Both of these enable the people we are addressing to predict our behaviour, mood and intentions.
Zadanie 5.2.
The research on nonverbal behaviour in emails is not as simple as “emoticons are good while capitalisation is bad”. It seems that both writing in capital letters and using emoticons can evoke utterly different responses, perhaps much less polarised in the case of capitalisation, which is normally considered a no-no in emails. However, the usage of capital letters can also communicate excitement and not just senseless shouting. Perhaps some of this variability in the perception of capitalisation and emoticons comes down to personality?
Zadanie 5.3.
Psychologists researched this by asking college students to fill in a personality questionnaire and then read emails from an unknown person. These were simple messages such as requests for copies of academic papers or information about the university. Each participant was randomly assigned to read two out of several differently presented emails. The students were then asked to rate the sender’s likeability.
Zadanie 5.4.
The researchers found that the reader’s personality influenced how emoticons and capitalisation were perceived. Readers high in extroversion and emotional stability were likely to rate the sender’s emails as more likeable if they had correct capitalisation and emoticons. The opposite was also true. For the introverted and emotionally unstable, correct capitalisation and emoticons tended not to affect the sender’s likeability, perhaps even lowering it. These results are interesting but they also raise many more questions. Emoticons may make the sender appear more likeable, but further research is necessary to find out if they also make the sender seem less professional or whether they can make reading bad news less disturbing. In their study, the researchers only used a smiley face in the emails. These are just some uncertainties. If more advanced ways of communicating emotion in email become a reality, surely many more questions will have to be answered.
adapted from www.spring.org.uk
A. Some of them were all written with capital letters, others included emoticons and the rest neither, so that the researchers would be able to compare responses.

B. Researchers are currently working on electronic mail systems which involve expressive typography, graphical components as well as old-fashioned words to convey emotion.

C. This might explain how, in online correspondence, even two simple things like capitalisation and the use of emoticons can have important effects on the reader’s perceptions.

D. We can’t be sure whether the impact of other emoticons would be the same. It is also not clear what would happen if the sender used emoticons which the receiver did not understand.

E. For emoticons, there is a bulk of research which proves they can take the sting out of a message with a negative content. Other studies find they have no such impact.

Zadanie 6. (0–4)
Read the text. For questions below, choose the appropriate paragraph (A–E). One paragraph does not match any of the questions.
In which paragraph does the author
Zadanie 6.1.
mention the most spacious facility ever launched into space?
Zadanie 6.2.
suggest how the problem of living in cramped conditions could be eased?
Zadanie 6.3.
point to a feature vital in materials delivered from Earth to other planets?
Zadanie 6.4.
refer to a design which did not go beyond its preliminary stage?


A. Imagine a luxurious hotel with a view that’s changing all the time, where there are 18 sunrises and sunsets every day and where food floats effortlessly into your mouth. Who wouldn’t sign up for that? It’s only a matter of time before space travel becomes a regular holiday option. We might even start living and working on the Moon. However, there are some problematic aspects to be resolved.

B. As civilian space travel inches closer, the role of architects is growing. More people travel to space for increasingly longer periods of time and their physical environment and its psychological effects are becoming more and more important. Surprisingly, the US space station, Skylab, which orbited the Earth from 1973 to 1979 and was recycled out of the fuel tank of a massive Saturn V rocket, remains by far the most generous habitat sent into orbit. It was palatial compared with the poky modules of the current International Space Station.

C. However, luxury is not an issue at this stage. First an efficient way to construct dwellings has to be invented. It would cost $500,000 to send a single brick to the Moon and lots more to Mars. As a result, the task has always been to develop lightweight materials and kits, that is to take a kind of astro-Ikea approach. Engineers’ attention is now shifting towards inflatable structures, allowing entire habitats to be folded up and packed on board.

D. In 1974, Guillermo Trotti put forward a proposal for an inflatable habitat on the Moon. His lunar colony envisaged a network of domes and structures to house a community of 200 people. It never blasted off but it inspired other ideas. The current catchphrase among NASA people is in-situ resource utilisation, the space equivalent of using locally available resources. The surface of the Moon (and probably that of Mars as well) is an open mine of readily accessible minerals and compounds that could be used in construction projects.

E. Trotti is optimistic about life on Mars, arguing that deep-space exploration will be the largest industry in the world over the next 100 years, as well as the biggest challenge for budding space architects. The question is how to build an environment in which you can happily live for three years in a confined space with the same people. Virtual reality could be an answer, allowing people to escape mentally or to study remotely. You could take the Library of Congress or the Louvre up there with you and come back with a PhD.
adapted from www.theguardian.com

Zadanie 7. (0–5)
Read the text. For questions below, choose the word or phrase which fits best in each gap.
Zadanie 7.1.
L.A. traffic congestion is the worst in the nation. It takes its on the quality of life, economic competitiveness and driving safety. And it is more than certain that it will continue to worsen unless policymakers intervene. But what steps should be taken?
Zadanie 7.2.
To answer this question, a group of researchers conducted a study to identify strategies that could be and might produce significant effects within five years.
Zadanie 7.3.
The scientists concluded that tackling the problem of congestion should mean increasing the supply of road space or reducing the demand for peak-hour automotive travel.
Zadanie 7.4.
However, the prospects for building the way out of congestion are grim. Most residents fear by fast-flowing traffic day and night and oppose the construction of new roads or the expansion of existing ones in their neighborhoods.
Zadanie 7.5.
And even if people to new highways, there is very little space to add road capacity in the areas where congestion is most intense. Therefore, the most realistic option is to find ways to manage the weight of the traffic during peak hours.
adapted from www.rand.org
Zadanie 8. (0–5)
Read the text. For questions below, use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits the gap. The text must be logical and correct in both grammar and spelling. Write the missing word in the space provided.
Zadanie 8.1.
Another British summer and another set of headlines about swarms of jellyfish set to ruin your holiday. But news that jellyfish numbers may be rising carries (IMPLY) far beyond the interrupted pastimes of the sunburnt masses.
Zadanie 8.2.
Jellyfish seem to thrive on the chaos humans create. Overfishing wipes out the creature’s predators and (CONSIDER) warmer water, resulting from climate change, contributes to their spread.
Zadanie 8.3.
Another problem is pollution from fertilisers, which leads to the loss of oxygen in the oceans. It turns out that jellyfish are incredibly tolerant of this (DEPRIVE) , much more than other sea creatures. And the great mixing of species transported across the world in the ballasts of ships opens up new, vulnerable ecosystems to these super-adaptors.
Zadanie 8.4.
However, because of the paucity of historical records, many jellyfish experts are (HESITATE) in declaring whether a global trend exists.
Zadanie 8.5.
Headlines dating back as far as 1906 show that all through the decades there were periods when the numbers of jellyfish in certain locations were described as (PRECEDENCE) but that doesn’t prove that their population worldwide is growing. In all likelihood, we are going to see more jellyfish, but whether or not we are doomed to oceans dominated by them is hard to say at the moment.
adapted from www.theguardian.com
Zadanie 9. (0–5)
For questions below, complete each gap using the words given in brackets so that the sentence is logical and correct as far as spelling and grammar are concerned. You can change the form of the words given in brackets or add other words if necessary. Use up to six words including the words given in brackets. Do not change the order of the words given in brackets.
Zadanie 9.1.
The story I heard yesterday (make / I / think / change) my job.
Zadanie 9.2.
(Surprising / it / seem) , the 80-year-old athlete running in this group is much fitter than the younger competitors.
Zadanie 9.3.
My sister (be / habit / interrupt) anybody she talks to. It’s so irritating!
Zadanie 9.4.
I took a photo of a military base, which is forbidden, so it (have / delete) .
Zadanie 9.5.
Hardly (she / start / presentation) , when a fire alarm went off.

1. Odpowiedź uznaje się za poprawną tylko wtedy, gdy wpisywane wyrazy lub fragmenty zdań są w pełni poprawne gramatycznie i ortograficznie. Nie bierze się pod uwagę zapisu wielką/małą literą oraz powtórzenia wyrazu podanego przed luką/po luce. Wyjątkiem są słowa, które muszą być pisane po angielsku wielką literą np. Monday, July. W takiej sytuacji brak wielkiej litery jest traktowany jako błąd ortograficzny.
2. Akceptowane są również inne odpowiedzi, jeżeli są merytorycznie poprawne i spełniają wszystkie warunki zadania.

Zadanie 10. (0–15)
Choose one of the topics below and write a composition following the conventions of the genre indicated in the topic. Use between 300 and 350 words.

1. Parki safari, w których zwiedzający oglądają z samochodu lub autokaru swobodnie spacerujące zwierzęta, stają się w wielu miejscach na świecie popularną atrakcją turystyczną. Czy parki safari powinny być zakładane? Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz swoją opinię na ten temat, uwzględniając argumenty odnoszące się do:
• warunków życia zwierząt
• bezpieczeństwa zwiedzających
• roli edukacyjnej tego typu miejsc.

2. W dzisiejszych czasach często kupujemy nowe rzeczy (np. ubrania, meble, sprzęt elektroniczny), pomimo że nie są nam niezbędne, a wyrzucamy te, które mamy. Napisz artykuł, w którym omówisz przyczyny i skutki takiego zachowania oraz zaproponujesz ciekawą akcję umożliwiającą ponowne wykorzystanie niepotrzebnych rzeczy.
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kierunki studiów po maturze z WOS

Poniżej podajemy wybrane linki do kierunki studiów na uczelniach, w których są brane pod uwagę wyniki tylko z dwóch przedmiotów zdawanych na maturze na poziomie podstawowym
(często uczelnie dają wyboru więcej przedmiotów a wybieramy z nich dwa):


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kierunki po maturze z polskiego i angielskiego
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kierunki po maturze z polskiego i wiedzy o społeczeństwie

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kierunki po maturze z biologii i
kierunki po maturze z chemii i angielskiego
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kierunki po maturze z chemii i geografii
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