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Język angielski, matura 2021 - poziom rozszerzony - pytania i odpowiedzi

DATA: 7 maja 2021 r.
CZAS PRACY: 150 minut
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Zadanie 1. (0–3)
Uruchamiając odtwarzacz z oryginalnym nagraniem CKE usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
We wskazówce jest transkrypcja (na maturze jej nie ma).
Zadanie 1.1.
Tekst 1.
Which is the best headline for the news item?
Zadanie 1.2.
Tekst 2.
Which of the following is stated by the speaker as an opinion, and not a fact?
Zadanie 1.3.
Tekst 3.
What are the speakers doing?
Zadanie 2. (0–4)
Uruchamiając odtwarzacz z oryginalnym nagraniem CKE usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat różnych sytuacji związanych z uroczystościami ślubnymi. Do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1.–2.4.) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E).
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
We wskazówce jest transkrypcja (na maturze jej nie ma).
This speaker mentions
A. an amusing solution to a break in water supply.
B. a wedding planner’s mistake that resulted in a disaster.
C. damage to a wedding venue which happened shortly before the reception.
D. a wedding planner’s idea rejected by the bride and groom.
E. the reason for the unappealing look of a wedding gift.
Zadanie 2.1.
wypowiedź 1.
Zadanie 2.2.
wypowiedź 2.
Zadanie 2.3.
wypowiedź 3.
Zadanie 2.4.
wypowiedź 4.
Zadanie 3. (0–5)
Uruchamiając odtwarzacz z oryginalnym nagraniem CKE usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z naukowcem. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
We wskazówce jest transkrypcja (na maturze jej nie ma).
Zadanie 3.1.
Why does Professor Cantrell teach his students to scuba dive?
Zadanie 3.2.
Why did Professor Cantrell decide to carry out the project?
Zadanie 3.3.
While carrying out the project, Professor Cantrell
Zadanie 3.4.
When asked about coral reefs, Professor Cantrell says that
Zadanie 3.5.
When answering the last question, Professor Cantrell
Zadanie 4. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na trzy części (A–C), oraz pytania go dotyczące (4.1.–4.4.). Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu.
Uwaga: jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch pytań.
In which paragraph does the author mention
Zadanie 4.1.
the overall duration of the unusual phenomenon?
Zadanie 4.2.
risky behaviour motivated by curiosity?
Zadanie 4.3.
what caused the Niagara Falls to dry up?
Zadanie 4.4.
the negative impact of the small amount of water in the river?

A. In 1848, the Niagara Falls were already a tourist attraction, and villages had grown up on both the U.S. and Canadian sides of the river to accommodate the crowds of sightseers. But on March 29th, shortly before midnight, a farmer who had gone out for a stroll noticed that something was wrong. When he went to the edge of the Niagara River, he saw hardly any water. At dawn on March 30th, people awoke to an unusual silence. The mighty Niagara was just a trickle. Fish were dying. Turtles and other creatures living in the river were clumsily working their way through the mud. People walked on the exposed river bed, eager to discover what had been hidden below the water surface, ignoring the fact they might be swept away if the water suddenly started flowing. They picked up old daggers and tomahawks as souvenirs.

B. No one knew why the falls had stopped flowing. The telegraph was still a new invention. Railroads already served towns on both sides of the river, but the tracks were unreliable, and Buffalo, the nearest big city, was three hours away even when the trains ran on time. Yet it was from Buffalo that the first news about the problem eventually arrived. It turned out that strong southwest winds had pushed huge chunks of ice to the north-eastern tip of Lake Erie which blocked the water flow and created an ice dam.

C. When water stopped flowing on March 29th, people started coming from nearby cities and towns to see what had happened. No water flowed over the falls all day on March 30th and throughout the daylight hours of March 31st. But that night, a distant low-pitched noise came from upriver. It got nearer and louder. Suddenly, a wall of water came down the upper Niagara River and over the falls with a giant thunder. The river was running again.
adapted from www.niagarafrontier.com
Zadanie 5. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wybierz w każdą lukę (5.1.–5.4.) literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A–E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Some people are always out, going to concerts, restaurant openings, you name it. They never fall into a predictable leisure routine! Or so it seems. However, according to a new study, everyone has a set of places they return to regularly. Twenty-five of them, to be precise. 5.1. With the use of GPS their whereabouts were mapped throughout the day. The study showed that although the students often visited new spots, they spent most of their time in roughly 25 places that they returned to repeatedly. They weren’t always frequent visitors, but they were regular enough.
This behaviour seemed linked to university life when students are relatively campus-bound. 5.2. Again, to their surprise, it turned out that visiting 25 places on a regular basis seemed to be an unwritten rule for all of them. People didn’t show up in more locations when they had more free time to explore, or fewer when they had less. What the number of places they went to correlated with was the number of friends they had. More friends translated into slightly more places visited.
These results by no means suggest that we don’t incorporate new places into our routines. We do! All the time! 5.3. This may suggest that humans simply don’t have the mental capacity for much more than 25 places.
This finding could have implications for how cities are designed or how governments manage epidemics. 5.4. After all, if you can only be a regular in 25 places, it’s worth selecting them carefully. Companies are constantly investing in offices encouraging creativity and collaboration and people have to start to think about the spaces they visit outside of work in the same way, seeking out layouts and amenities that help them feel their best.
adapted from https://curiosity.com
A. But when the researchers scaled up the study to 40,000 people from all over the world with different kinds of lifestyles, they found the exact same thing.
B. When we change university, for example, the number of places on our mental list can increase to 30 or even 40.
C. It could also have an influence on how people think about their personal choices.
D. Initially, the research carried out in the UK and Denmark involved a relatively small group of 850 university students.
E. We change neighbourhoods, try new restaurants, and so forth, but for every new pizza place we discover, an old favourite gets abandoned.
Zadanie 6. (0–5)
Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z samolotami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Tekst 1.


Airports are torture chambers if you’re claustrophobic. It’s not just the threat of the ride ahead – being stuffed into seats like sardines and then catapulted through the air in a narrow metal tube – but also the terminals themselves, the crowds of people, all the motion and noise, and the whole thing sealed off by glass windows like some kind of a horrible ant farm. This is just one of the many things that Hadley is trying not to think about as she stands before the ticket counter. She can feel something miserable inside her. Part of it is the flight to London awaiting her and part of it is the airport itself, but to make matters worse there is the realisation that she’ll now be late for the wedding she didn’t even want to go to in the first place, and something about this sad little twist of fate makes her feel like crying.

She’s spent the past few weeks secretly wishing this very thing might happen, though admittedly, her fantasy scenarios have been a bit more dramatic: a massive airline strike; an epic hailstorm; a failure of all of the plane’s engines. All perfectly good reasons why she might have to miss her father’s walk down the aisle to marry a woman she’s never met. But being late for your flight seems just a little too convenient, maybe a bit suspicious, and Hadley isn’t at all sure that father will understand that it wasn’t her fault.

“I’m sorry, Miss,” one of the gate attendants says. “There’s nothing we can do but try to get you on the evening flight.” Hadley nods her head. The attendant is now working the keyboard of her computer with a kind of violent intensity, punching at the keys.

“You’re in luck,” she says. “There is one free seat available.”

Hadley is almost afraid to pose the question, but she asks it anyway, “What time does it reach its destination?”

“Nine fifty-four, tomorrow morning.”

Hadley pauses for a moment and says, “I suppose I’ll have to take it.”

“Boarding will start from this gate at seven-thirty tonight and the plane leaves at eight-fifteen,” the attendant says, handing over the papers, which are all neatly bound in a little jacket.

Hadley goes towards the windows and examines the rows of grey chairs, most of them occupied. She puts her backpack on top of her carry-on suitcase. The smell of butter from a nearby pretzel stand is making her slightly sick. She wishes she could just call off her flight, take a taxi and go home but she knows she can’t do it. She also knows that it’s a holiday weekend so there won’t be any other free seats, and the weather maps on the TV screens show a whirling pattern of storms approaching. There are suitcases on empty chairs, families camped out around corners, greasy McDonald’s bags scattered across the floor. Finally, she spots an empty seat and she hurries in that direction.
adapted from The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
Zadanie 6.1.
What do we learn about Hadley from the first paragraph?
Zadanie 6.2.
Before arriving at the airport, Hadley
Zadanie 6.3.
When Hadley was offered another flight, she
Tekst 2.


Air travel has always been rich with conspiracy theories and old wives’ tales. I’ve heard it all. Nothing, however, frustrates me more than the myths about cockpit automation – this widespread view that in some not-too-distant future pilots will not be necessary on the plane at all. This nonsense is constantly in the news and millions of people actually believe it. It’s true that processors and electronic control systems allow pilots to fly ‘hands off’ just after take-off, continuing through the flight route and – in very rare cases – all the way through to landing. But that doesn’t mean the planes actually fly themselves.

Of course, the technology can help but it should be the pilot who decides how and when to use it. During his famous ‘miracle on the Hudson’ emergency landing in 2009, Capt. Chesley Sullenberger had the backup of the computer autopilot. He was in the pilot’s seat when Airbus A320 collided with a flock of geese and lost thrust 2,700 feet over Manhattan. Computer-assisted flight systems were active but there was no need for them. In fact, flight control computers actually posed a problem for Sullenberger because the flight software interfered with his efforts and thus prevented him from keeping the plane’s nose a little higher during the last four seconds before he brought US Airways Flight 1549 down in the icy Hudson River. “We hit harder than we would have if I had been able to keep the nose up,” he said.

During a normal flight, there’s no way to know when your pilots are using computer-programmed automatic flight systems but one thing is sure: hands-on flying hasn’t disappeared and it won’t do so in the near future.
adapted from https://edition.cnn.com
Zadanie 6.4.
In the first paragraph, we learn that the author is frustrated by
Zadanie 6.5.
During the ‘miracle on the Hudson’ the software
Zadanie 7. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst.
In the world of signals, it’s an undisputed fact that red means stop. From red traffic lights to the stop sign itself, the colour red 7.1. the drivers’ attention and sends them a message to hit the brakes.
But you probably don’t know that the stop sign has only been red for about seventy years. The first one erected in Detroit in 1915 was white, with the word STOP in black letters. 7.2. 1954 that the sign became red with white letters.
In the early 20th century, stop signs weren’t any specific colour or shape, which confused drivers. In 1922, the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) decided on standardisation and introduced the sign’s octagonal shape. This unique eight-sided shape was chosen 7.3. drivers who saw the back of the sign were aware that oncoming drivers had a stop sign. The shape could also be identified easily at night, since the original signs were not reflective.
At the same time, the AASHO also considered making stop signs red, but, back then, there was no red dye that wouldn’t 7.4. over time. They were yellow for the following thirty years. In 1954, sign makers began using special porcelain enamel and achieving a long-lasting red colour was no longer a problem.
adapted from www.rd.com
Zadanie 8. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (8.1.–8.4.) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
In theory anyone can apply to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in one of five categories: film, TV, radio, recording and theatre performance. But, in fact, it’s not as simple as 8.1. .
First, a candidate has to be nominated. Nominations can be submitted by anyone, from publicists and fans 8.2. celebrities themselves. Next, the nominee must sign a form stating that they want a star, and that they will attend the unveiling ceremony.
If the application 8.3. accepted, whoever did the nominating needs to pay a fee of $30,000.
The Chamber of Commerce claims that half of the fee goes into creating the star, while the 8.4. half is used for its maintenance. Interestingly, some of our favourite A-listers – like Julia Roberts, Clint Eastwood, Denzel Washington, and Al Pacino – don’t have a star.
adapted from www.businessinsider.com
Uwagi do zadań 8. i 9.
1. Odpowiedź uznaje się za poprawną tylko wtedy, gdy wpisywane wyrazy lub fragmenty zdań są w pełni poprawne gramatycznie i ortograficznie.
2. Akceptuje się wyraz zapisany wielką literą zamiast małą i odwrotnie pod warunkiem, że zdający nie naruszył innych zasad pisowni, np. pisowni nazw własnych.
3. Akceptowane są również inne odpowiedzi, jeżeli są merytorycznie poprawne i spełniają wszystkie warunki zadania.
Zadanie 9. (0–4)
Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (9.1.–9.4.). W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy, wliczając wyraz już podany. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga: nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.
Zadanie 9.1.
Your car is making strange noises. A mechanic should check it.
Your car is making strange noises. You should by a mechanic.
Zadanie 9.2.
When you are working on so many assignments at the same time, you will probably make mistakes.
When you are working on so many assignments at the same time, mistakes happen.
Zadanie 9.3.
My father never thought that someone would reveal his secret.
It never that his secret would be revealed.
Zadanie 9.4.
We couldn’t do anything to help John in that situation. He insisted on sorting it out on his own.
There was to help John in that situation. He insisted on sorting it out on his own.
Uwagi do zadań 8. i 9.
1. Odpowiedź uznaje się za poprawną tylko wtedy, gdy wpisywane wyrazy lub fragmenty zdań są w pełni poprawne gramatycznie i ortograficznie.
2. Akceptuje się wyraz zapisany wielką literą zamiast małą i odwrotnie pod warunkiem, że zdający nie naruszył innych zasad pisowni, np. pisowni nazw własnych.
3. Akceptowane są również inne odpowiedzi, jeżeli są merytorycznie poprawne i spełniają wszystkie warunki zadania.
Zadanie 10. (0–13)
Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Wybierz temat.

1. Wiele muzeów i galerii sztuki udostępnia swoje zbiory online. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz dobre i złe strony takiego rozwiązania.

2. Anglojęzyczna gazeta internetowa postanowiła zorganizować kampanię promującą aktywność fizyczną wśród młodzieży. Napisz list do redakcji popierający tę inicjatywę. W swoim liście uzasadnij, dlaczego uważasz, że taka kampania jest potrzebna, i zaproponuj, w jaki sposób mógłbyś/mogłabyś wesprzeć działania organizatorów.

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Poniżej podajemy wybrane linki do kierunki studiów na uczelniach, w których są brane pod uwagę wyniki tylko z dwóch przedmiotów zdawanych na maturze na poziomie podstawowym
(często uczelnie dają wyboru więcej przedmiotów a wybieramy z nich dwa):


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Polityka Prywatności