Man: Stella, you are one of the few female taxi drivers in London. Tell us how you managed to get the job.

Woman: When I was younger, I didn’t have any ambitions to become a taxi driver. I was starting to think about driving as a profession when, to my surprise, I learnt that a friend of mine wanted to become a licensed London taxi driver. She was preparing for the exam which is called ‘The Knowledge’ and she asked me to help her revise. I’ve always been proud of my driving skills so I felt happy that I could help her. And that’s when I realized that I might also enjoy driving people around in one of London’s black taxis.

Man: The exam you have to pass to be a London taxi driver is famous for being incredibly difficult. Did you have any problems with passing it?

Woman: Well, ‘The Knowledge’ exam requires you to memorize the details of London’s road system. I have an excellent memory so passing the exam was no trouble for me. One of its hardest parts is when you have to describe the shortest possible route between two places in London, and quite a few candidates fail that part.

Man: And what do you like about your job, Stella?

Woman: First of all, the hours. I work 8 hours or less per day and have Saturdays off. I prefer to start at midnight because then I only have to work until 6 a.m. I know that some taxi drivers work longer hours than me and have a higher income but that doesn’t bother me. The greatest thing about my job is that I earn enough to support my family. So, I have nothing to complain about.

Man: Lucky you!

Woman: Yes, I do what I like and I’m paid well for it. And I often meet interesting passengers. I always have a lot of fun chatting with them. Some passengers even share their personal problems with me. Many people think that talking to strangers about such things is not a good idea. But I’m a taxi driver so I listen patiently in those cases and always give the best advice I can.

Man: Thank you very much, Stella.

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